Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tea Party Favors

As promised, here's another entry about my tea party. This is the favors that were sitting at all the place settings when the guests arrived. I actually saw the idea online, and immediately knew that was what I wanted to have. They were actually a little pricey, but I searched around and found the labels on Ebay and some of the tea bag/spoon rests came from a craft store and the rest I purchased on line. Everyone loved them and they were a cinch to make. I just love the personalized tea bags. They are just individually wrapped tea bags from the store and then you just stick your label over the top of them. Then, I just packaged them in clear candy bags and topped with a bow!

1 comment:

Roxy said...

You are so GOOD! Ms. V the crafty one! How lucky Marcy is to have a sister-in-law like you!