Monday, June 22, 2009

It's a BOY!!

Well, on Monday, June 8th, I had baby number three---Samuel Joseph. He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 inches long. Delivery was a breeze and adjusting at home hasn't been too bad. The hardest things are now the night-time feedings, which hopefully won't last more than a few months, and making sure my other two don't hurt him. They are doing extremely well with him, but tend to be a little rough and want to always be in his face ;-)

Even though my store is officially closed, the orders have been pouring in, which is a good I have been finding time to get things made right now....we'll see how things go.

Have a great day today!!


Friday, June 5, 2009

Strawberry picking

We went strawberry picking yesterday....probably not the best time to go. The season is just about over and it was a rather cool day here---in the low 60's (which it has been in the uppper 80's) so the kids complained they were cold, their feet were wet, they had to go potty, the berries were not very plentiful and the ones they could find were either rotten or dirty so they couldn't eat them. Sound like fun ;-)

No, it wasn't that bad. We managed to pick about 9 pounds. Not quite the experience we had last year---I think we picked over 35 pounds and canned jam, but not this year---too many other things going on. Just picked enough to eat for the next few days.

Hope you have a GREAT day today!!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More new pics!

I figured I'd better get in at least one more post before baby number three is due. The big day Monday June 8th---or sooner. I'm ready any time now!! I closed down my Etsy and Ebay shops for a few weeks---just until things settle into somewhat of a routine---well, as much of a routine as you can get with a newborn, 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 year old.

Amy Robertson just sent me some new pics for my shop last night---how precious are these!! I sooo wish she lived near me so she could photograph my newborn---I'd love to have these pics with my own little one.

This is my pea pod hat again---she did a similar shot with this one, but I like how their little arm and leg are falling out of the pea pod.

This one is my little sweet pea hat---it doesn't have a pea pod and curl---just a cute little leaf.

Enjoy and have a great day!
