Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Knitty Bitty Bunny Bracelet

Here's my newest creation---isn't it so cute? I wanted to make a bunny bracelet last year, and time got away from me. So, I'm way ahead of the game this year! Josie wanted the one I made, so it must be a good one.

I wanted to add just a little more color to it, so I came up with the crystal carrot charm. I also have a new fuzzy headed chick bead waiting to be made into a bracelet, but that's for another day.

Here's the knit bunny hat that it coordinates with (hint hint) Have a great day today!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

horse hat and snow day

When the kids woke up yesterday, they saw our first "big" snowfall of the year---about an inch of snow. I know it's not much, but we don't generally get much snow here in southern Indiana. The kids loved playing in it and loved eating it even more.

A customer contacted me awhile back to make her a horse hat with a white forelock. I didn't know what that was, but she explained it to be the hair that hangs down infront of the horses eyes. So, this is what I came up with. She loved it!

Have a great day today!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Two Blue Bird Bracelets

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine had asked me if I could make her and her mom a bluebird bracelet. She said that her and grandma call their little girl who is a year old "blue bird" So, her only request was that it had a blue bird on it. I found the little glass birds on Ebay and designed the bracelets around that.

I have no clue what she really had in mind, so hope this is it. They turned out really colorful and I love the bead combinations with the mixture of glass beads and crystals. Hope they like them too ;-) Have a great day!


Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! Ok....so I'm a little late...what's new ;-) Hope you all had a GREAT Christmas and New Years. Both were wonderful for us. With the kids being 2 and 4 this year, Christmas was a blast----they loved opening up all their gifts. After things settled down, Josie served us all "tea" with her new tea set.

For New Years, we went out with our Friends, Christa (from Motivating Mommies) and her husband Jay. We had dinner at a nice restaurant then to a nice hotel that had a lounge in it. It was really pretty inside, and very hip and retro---for our town anyways.

Here's a pic of the bar. And, we managed to stay up past midnight---which doesn't happen every year.

I even managed to whip up a necklace and pair of earrings for my friends daughter. She called me three days before her daughter's dance to ask me if I could make a cheetah themed set. I was really nervous as I didn't know what her daughter liked and she couldn't pick it up until the day of the dance---and you know how teenage girls are. Turned out, she LOVED it---and I'm commissioned to make her prom jewelry.

Best Wishes for a Great 2009!!
